
Donate to Support Life after Torture

With expertise and compassion, rehabilitation centres around the world rebuild lives after torture.

But right now they are facing a grave threat – lack of funding means that many centres are at risk of drastically cutting back their services, or closing altogether.

Most of our centres operate on a shoestring budget – a little goes a long way. Your donation will make a real difference in the life of a torture survivor.

Support Life After Torture

Donate Here

How your donation will be used

Australian Torture Rehabilitation Services

Torture Rehabilitation Services Globally

Global Research on Torture Rehabilitation

Campaign Expenses

Donations can be once off or regular


-Can fund ongoing psychosocial interventions to rebuild life after torture




-Can provide medical assistance to ease the pain of torture




-Can support communities to heal from the terror of torture




-Can support research into best practice interventions in torture rehabilitation

